Next Trip Abroad: Panama
Dominican Republic
Varies from country to country and also dependent on how long the trip is
2023 TRIPS
Spring 2023
Country: Panama
Date: 3/25 - 4/1
Summer 2023
Country: TBD
Date: TBD
Generally: $2,000 - $2,200
Length: 7-10 days

GMT provides students a unique opportunity to covert this knowledge into action, along with a life-changing educational experience that will undoubtedly stay with them for the rest of their lives. And through fundraisers, donations, and even money out of our own pockets, our international endeavors to provide free health care beyond the borders of the United States–to people deprived of not only adequate health care, but of even the basic necessities of life–have certainly yielded amazing results.
GMT@UCI travels on two trips a year, each to a different country. The first trip is during spring break and lasts approximately one week. The second trip is during summer break and can vary in length depending on the country (7-10 days).
During the trip, the first day is a full travel day involving plane flights and bus rides from country to country and finally to the first hotel. From there, students travel to a city that they will remain in for the duration of the clinic portion of their trip (4 days). During clinics, students are required to be in full uniform including a full set of scrubs and equipment such as BP cuffs, stethoscopes, notebook/paper, pens/pencils, penlights, and more. From there, students are divided into their team groups for that day which depends on the number of trippers. Together these teams work with each other in assessing, diagnosing, and treating their patients. Translators and doctors will be there every step of the way to answer any questions or assist in any way. However, trippers are given full independence with their patients. After assessing, diagnosing, and coming to a conclusion, teams will present their case to accompanying doctors. Once the doctor has approved of the group's diagnosis and treatment plan, students are able to write medical prescriptions for their patient(s). Medication donations are always accepted as the pharmacy in our clinics often run out of medications for the patients due to volume. Trippers will likely be rotated in and out of the in-clinic pharmacy to allow students another perspective within the pharmaceutical setting. Breakfast and lunch are provided on clinic days, however, dinner is not provided and will need to come out of the trippers' own money.
After trips, trippers will celebrate their accomplishments for various days doing many activities depending on the country visited. For example, trippers who attended the recent PERU 2022 trip traveled to Cusco, Lima, Machu Picchu, and the Sacred Valley of the Incas participating in activities such as clubbing, feeding alpacas/llamas, hiking, exploring various ruins and the cities and more for four days!
We hope this answers many questions you may have about our trips! We hope you join our GMT family and experience a trip of a lifetime with students like yourself!