Ashleigh Wong

What does Relay for Life mean to you?
It’s hard to put into words what Relay means to me because it’s not just an organization that is helping to find a cure for cancer. I mean, that’s what you initially tell people when they ask what it is. You say, "Oh it’s a 24-hour event where people walk to raise money for cancer research." That in itself is one hell of an answer. And you know that it sounds impressive by people’s reactions: “Wow 24 hours? That’s an amazing cause.”
But Relay does more than raise money, it provides support, encouragement, hope. It provides a place for not only people who have been diagnosed with cancer, but for anyone who has been affected by cancer. Friends, families, coworkers. For me, it has provided a place where I can remember the people that I have personally lost in a beautiful way. It’s my place to play a small part in the hope that one day, there will not be any more phone calls made with the devastating news that cancer has hit home.”
How do you think the type of energy and uplifting spirits from these events can be translated to actual beside healthcare? Do you think there should be more of these events, if so, how?
“I think that this particular event in an of itself is surrounded by so much more than healthcare. The ultimate goal, yes, is to raise money for research, but everything leading up to the event and the event itself is about celebration. It’s about celebrating life and loved ones. It’s about appreciating those who are still with us and remembering those who have passed. It’s about remembering that there is so much more to life that your 9-5 job. It teaches us to appreciate every second that you have with the people you love because cancer is sneaky. It’ll blindside you without a second thought. So to be around those who understand that and who don’t take every day for granted, that’s just something you don’t see much of anymore.
And in regards to having more of these events? There are a lot out there already, you just have to look for them. I personally think that Relay for Life has such a big impact all around the country that there doesn’t need to be anything else like it. Its message is too unique to want to emulate it.”
Was this your first Relay for Life Experience? if not, when was it and also what was your most memorable experience from the night?
“This was not my first Relay for Life, I’ve actually been participating in this event since I was younger and I remember being really happy my freshman year when I found out that UCI held it’s own Relay.
From this past Relay, my most memorable experience was during the luminaria. To see everyone come together in solidarity to honor those we have lost was an incredible sight to see. As we walked around Aldrich Park looking at all the luminarias dedicated to our loved ones, it was so apparent that in that moment, we were lighting up the night. We were making a difference. We were fighting back.”