Minhtam Nguyen
About Minhtam:
Minhtam is a 3rd year Public Health Sciences Major from San Diego, California and her preferred pronouns are She/Her/Hers! She considers herself more of a night person. Some of her hobbies/interests are hiking and photography! Some of her favorite snacks are kettle corn and pandan waffles and some of her favorite foods are Shabu and spring rolls! When she isn't studying or working, you can probably find her watching Netflix (i.e. Grey's Anatomy, Friends), doing puzzles or hanging out with her friends. She joined GMT because "I wanted to learn more about healthcare and the various opportunities that the field has to offer as I explore my career options. Shoutout to Sarah for letting me know about GMT and telling me to come out!" Her favorite memory of GMT so far was Winter Retreat because she was able to get closer to everyone while also getting to meet new people! She is extremely grateful for "both my friends and family who are always supporting me in everything that I do! I'm also extremely grateful to my boba-loving mentor, Liz who is one of the most supportive people I know, along with Emie and Lina for always being so much fun to be around!" Lastly, she would like to nominate her "Lina bean :)" for the next showcase!