Cindy Wong

What is your favourite GMT memory?
My favorite memory from GMT was when I went to my first Nicaragua trip in the summer of 2014. During one of our free nights after a long clinic day, my GMT family shared a meal and went dancing together in the pouring rain along the beach coast of San Juan Del Sur. While having a thrilling night in the thunderous weather, a tsunami warning was sent out. We packed our bags and huddled together in the bus during the middle of the night while we drove off to a safer location. That night will carry on forever with me, because at that moment, I felt so loved and happy to be alive while we all slept together on the bus, trembling in fear.
What is something you are proud of?
Organizing Project RAMP have changed my appreciation for children. Although this project was handed down to me after it just began, I am so happy with what it became. The children look forward to RAMP and seeing their mentors every month. After a year, I cant believe how fast they have all grown, not only physically but mentally. They are all such bright children, and I have learned so much from interacting with them. Every time I go, I feel so rewarded, knowing that I helped them advance in their studies. The smiles on their faces are priceless once they realize they can read short stories or solve a difficult math problem all by themselves
If you could redo your college experience all over, would you and why or why not?
I am happy with all the involvements I became a part of. I’ve been touched by so many people during college, that now I have greater confidence in facing the real world.
You are graduating this year. How do you feel?
It’s a bitter sweet moment. I am proud of what I have accomplished here, but I am ready to let go and get a taste of reality. What I will miss most is seeing my friends in class, going over to each other’s houses to study and basically knowing that I am surrounded by my friends at all times.